Peoples Movement Assembly Handbook

Peoples Movement Assembly Handbook

The PMA methodology is not the property of any single organization, person, or group. This Organizing Handbook is designed for organizers, educators, activists, and community members who want to use the Peoples Movement Assembly methodology to build power in their community, on their frontline struggle, and in our social movements.

DIY Economics of Happiness Workshop Toolkit

DIY Economics of Happiness Workshop Toolkit

This toolkit is a do-it-yourself tool for those who want to kick-start effective global-to-local action in their community or within an existing group. The toolkit uses the award-winning documentary film The Economics of Happiness as a springboard to discuss the broad impacts of the global economy and localization as a strategy for systemic change.

Bike Ready – Emergency Preparedness for Bicyclists

Bike Ready – Emergency Preparedness for Bicyclists

Bike Ready reuses footage from Superstorm Sandy and the actual community based relief on two wheels provided to deliver supplies, communicate, evacuate and generate electricity. In the spirit of mutual aid, let's get ready, bicyclers everywhere! 4 minute video