by shavaun | Sep 1, 2016 | Resources
Few words have had as little presence in the 2016 election as "socialism," which was raised briefly in one of the earliest primary debates. Yet socialism could have a future in America, our guests this week argue, if we just think about it differently....
by shavaun | Sep 1, 2016 | Resources
This piece of research by Professor Virginie Pérotin of Leeds University Business School looks at two decades’ worth of international data on worker owned co-operatives. It confirms that worker co-operatives offer an appealing option that gives the people...
by mike | Sep 1, 2016 | Resources
In this video, produced by Democracy Collaborative staff working with Softbox Films, Gar Alperovitz sketches the major institutions of a systemic alternative based in plural forms of democratic ownership, oriented around community at various scales—what he...
by shavaun | Sep 1, 2016 | Resources
Investing in Equality: Integrating LGBT Issues into Total Portfolio ActivationThis paper provides a framework for impact investors as they consider how to invest in and support LGBT issues across common portfolio asset classes such as public equities and fixed income,...
by shavaun | Sep 1, 2016 | Resources
Divest-Invest Clean Fifteen: A Total Portfolio Approach to Fossil-Free Climate SolutionsThis publication presents the “Clean 15,” the first fossil-free model portfolio developed by the Clean Portfolio Project. After emerging from conversations within the...
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