News & Resources


Feb 2, 2023 | News & Updates

In December  2022,  the Black Solidarity Economy Fund working group redistributed $300,000 to 51 Black-led solidarity economy projects!  

New Economy Coalition members were prioritized in this process, and we used equity as a guiding principle, awarding the largest grants to organizations with budgets of less than $500,000, and excluding organizations with budgets of more than $1 million. 

BSEF funds not distributed this year will be used as seed funds for next years’ round of re-granting, and support the BSEF working group’s strategic planning retreat to create a long term strategy for the fund. This year, three times more projects applied to the fund than last year. In the future, we would love to be able to ensure every applicant is able to receive some funds, regardless of the strength of their application. However, that will require larger investments from those in philanthropy to ensure there are actually enough funds to be distributed to every organization that needs funding. This year’s granting process revealed there are an abundance of Black-led cooperatives and Black-led organizations who are working on building the solidarity economy. 


  1. #BlackCoopsMatter Membership Community
  2. #SmartCohort – COVID ReSet Initiative
  3. A Softer Landing Fund : Guaranteed Basic Income
  4. Baldwin House Community Collective
  5. Black Cooperative Ecosystem Mapping Project
  6. Black Homeless Support
  7. Black Imagination Districts
  8. Black Worker Cooperative Development Project
  9. Black/PanAfrican Solidarity Conference & Exchange
  10. Brooklyn Packers / Brooklyn Supported Agriculture
  11. Calabash & LAMP
  12. Chicago Solidarity Collective
  13. CMB Co-ops
  14. Co-op Dayton
  15. Cooperation New Orleans
  16. Cooperation Richmond
  17. Earthseed Anahuac
  18. Economic Justice League (EJL): Collective for Community Scholarship (C4CS)
  19. Endstate ATL’s mutual aid programs: Black Power Fund/The Pack Provides
  20. Ereba Collective Learning Laboratory
  21. Free Store Fridays Network
  22. Inclusive Louisiana takes on the Petrochemical Plants of Cancer Alley
  23. Kwanzaa Kalimba Virtual Makerspace
  24. La Conde
  25. Land Legacy and Liberation for Black Farmers in SC
  26. Liberty Community Land Trust’s Land Liberation Project
  27. Louisiana Just Recovery Network
  28. Metro Atlanta Mutual Aid Fund (MAMA Fund) Time bank
  29. Mini-Grants for Black Led -Co-ops in Detroit
  30. New Generation Scholars Abolitionist Mutual Aid Fund
  31. Owning Our Hood
  32. Pecan Milk Cooperative
  33. Rebel Visionz Ent. Group/All Eyes OG Artists Legacy Program
  34. Restore Forward: Healing Retreat Providers Co-op
  35. Sankofa Village Arkansas
  36. Social Housing & Shared Economy Campaign 2023
  37. Solidarity Farms Jamaica
  38. Solidarity in Grieve
  39. The Energy Justice Law and Policy Center: Storytelling Organizing
  40. The Lowjohn Collective
  41. The MHEC GAP Fund
  42. The Park for Floral Farms
  43. The Study Circles Project
  44. Together We Thrive: Telling Our Stories, Speaking Our Truth
  45. Ujimaa Medics – general operating
  46. Visionary Resistance Incubator and Art Festival
  47. We Are The Ones
  48. We Own This – Campaign
  49. Womxnist Liberation Collaborative
  50. Worcester Youth Cooperatives
  51. Yolo County Underserved Farmer Cooperative
We hope this inspires even more donors to contribute to the Black Solidarity Economy Fund, and Black-led cooperatives and organizations to collaborate with each other. We look forward to continuing this work with you all. 



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