A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy

A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy

The intersecting crises of income and wealth inequality and climate change, driven by systemic white supremacy and gender inequality, has exposed the frailty of the U.S. economy and democracy. This document was prepared during the COVID-19 pandemic which exacerbated these existing crises and underlying conditions.


Community Control of Farms Resources #InDefenseOfBlackLife

What can we let go of if we had community control of all resources? Would we need police if all of our universal needs were met? Do we even need police now? The #BlackLivesMatter uprising has us questioning the role of police in the solidarity economy.

Billionaire Bonanza 2020: Wealth windfalls, tumbling taxes, and pandemic profiteers

Billionaires dominate our politics, culture, and economy. Their wealth, as this report shows, has concentrated mightily over the last four decades — even as the number of U.S. households with zero or negative net worth is increasing and most of us are living paycheck to paycheck.

The current pandemic is exposing our central economic and social reality: Extreme wealth inequality has become America’s “pre-existing condition.”

In this report, we show how billionaire wealth has grown astoundingly over the last few decades — and, for some “pandemic profiteers,” even more dramatically since the COVID-19 crisis — even as billionaire tax obligations have plummeted.

Pathways to a People’s Economy Policy Toolkit

Pathways to a People’s Economy was developed by a team of New Economy Coalition member organizations to amplify the new economy policy wins happening on the ground and provide real examples of how to shift our economic conditions from the bottom up. It provides tools for communities and organizations to make concrete policy demands to advance a new economy – an economy for, by, and with the people.

Our Power Puerto Rico: Moving Toward a Just Recovery

The Climate Justice Alliance (CJA), a growing member organization of 67 urban and rural frontline communities, organizations and supporting networks in the climate justice movement, has engaged locally to prepare frontline communities to center a Just Transition away from fossil fuels and a dirty energy economy to one that is local, regenerative and built on community-led solutions. This is a special report from the Frontlines in collaboration with CJA members from Puerto Rico.



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