On March 8, we commemorate International Working Women’s Day. We honor the struggle of women around the world fighting for liberation, economic self-determination, body sovereignty, political and cultural power.
We honor the legacy of those who fought, and all the women today resisting capitalism, colonialism & cisheteropatriarchy by building feminist and popular economies from below.
We honor those resisting extractivism, precarity, debt, and all forms of exploitation. Those who are building their own economies to provide dignified work, visibilize networks of comunal care, build solidarity and collective wealth, and protect against gender-based and state violence.
This list is just a start! Have more resources to add here? Send them our way at comms@neweconomy.net
El 8 de Marzo, conmemoramos el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Hoy, honramos a las mujeres y todas las disidencias sexuales que luchan en todo el mundo por la liberación, la autogestión económica, la autonomía del cuerpo, el poder popular y cultural.
Honramos el legado de aquellas que lucharon, y todxs las que siguen resistiendo el capitalismo, el colonialismo, el cisheteropatriarcado — construyendo en su lugar economías feministas y populares desde abajo. Honramos a las que resisten el extractivismo, la precariedad, la deuda, y todas las demás formas de explotación.
Honramos a las que construyen sus propias economías y luchan para tener un trabajo digno, visibilizar y construir redes de cuidado colectivo, tejiendo a la vez solidaridad y riqueza comunal, y redes de protección frente a la violencia de género y estatal.
Foundational Texts & Deep Dives | Textos Fundamentales
- An end to the neglect of the problems of the Negro woman! – Claudia Jones: “The capitalists know, far better than many progressives seem to know, that once Negro women undertake action, the militancy of the whole Negro people, and thus of the anti-imperialist coalition, is greatly enhanced.”
- A Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color — edited by Cherríe Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúa
- Abolition. Feminism. Now. – Angela Y. Davis, Gina Dent, Erica R. Meiners, and Beth E. Richie
- Decolonial Popular Feminist Education – Global Grassroots Justice
- Feminist Subversion of the Economy – Amaia Pérez Orozco, Translated by Liz Mason-Deese
- How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective — edited by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
- Re-enchanting the world: Feminism & the Politics of the Commons – Silvia Federici
- Why Black Feminists Use the term Solidarity Economy – Dr. Caroline Shenaz Hossein
- Witches, Witch Hunting, and Women – Silvia Federici
- The Decolonial Feminist Collective – Groundings Podcast ft. Jalessah Jackson
- Economía popular: entre la informalidad y la reproducción ampliada – Verónica Gago
- Experiencias y vínculos cooperativos en el sostenimiento de la vida en América Latina
- Luchas y alternativas para una economía feminista emancipatoria
- No se puede descolonizar sin despatriarcalizar – Maria Galindo
- Subversion feminista de la economía – Amaia Pérez Orozco
- Feminismos Negros. Una antología Sojourner Truth, Ida Wells, Patricia Hills Collins, Angela Davis, Carol Stack, Hazel Carby, Pratibha Parmar, Jayne Ifekwunigwe, Magdalene Ang-Lygate: “A menudo las feministas blancas…creen que han proporcionado a las mujeres negras «el» análisis y «el» programa de liberación. No entienden, ni siquiera pueden imaginar, que las mujeres negras, así como otros grupos de mujeres que viven cada día en condiciones opresivas.”
Third World Women Resist
- Third World Women Resist – International Women’s Day Points of Unity – Palestinian Feminist Collective & Movement Generation: “We assert that Palestine is a feminist issue. We denounce Zionist weaponization of feminist discourse to justify ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza, the destruction of Palestinian homes and sacred spaces, the vilification of Arab men, and the denial of the right to live and die in dignity”
- On Love, the Palestinian Way: Kinship, Care and Abolition in Palestinian Feminist Praxis – Sarah Ihmoud: “This article centres the forms of kinship and care work that Palestinian women perform within and beyond the institution of thecolonial prison in occupied territory through an analysis of letters expressing grief, care and radical hope as material expressions of an abolitionist feminist praxis of decolonial love. “
- Black/Palestine Feminist Solidarity Timeline
Collusions: Capitalism, Colonialism and Patriarchy | Colusiones: Capitalismo, Colonialismo y el Patriarcado
- The Invention of Women: A Colonial History of Gender — Dr. Oyèrónké Oyěwùmí , Book Report by Alok Menon: “It wasn’t just that women were disenfranchised by the law, it’s that the very categories of ‘men’ and ‘women’ — defined by anatomy and hierarchy — were instituted by the colonial state”
- The Revolutionary Practice of Black Feminisms: “There is no contradiction between the struggle against racism, sexism, and all other-isms. All must be addressed simultaneously.”
- Witch Hunts, Body Politics, and Rituals of Resistance – Interview with Silvia Federici: “Witch hunts helped usher in capitalism in three major ways: through the taming of the rebel body and Indigenous peoples, the mechanization of the world, and the devaluing of female labor with the advent of waged work.”
- Why trans liberation is a class issue: “As capitalism was developing in northern Europe… masculinity and femininity were built into the economy as a binary, with one half of the workforce (women) conditioned to undertake unpaid care and domestic work for the other half (men) tasked with labour and production. It wasn’t ‘natural’ that the economy was broken down by gender — it was designed that way.”
Land Sovereignty & Resisting Extractivism | Soberania y Defensa del Territorio
- “Berta Cáceres Argued That the Struggle Is a Permanent Struggle”
- How the Women of Standing Rock Are Building Sovereign Economies
- ‘It’s About Taking Back What’s Ours’: Native Women Reclaim Land, Plot By Plot – Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
- From Farm-Work to Care-Work. Towards a Feminist and Anti-racist Syndicalism
- The Historical Role of the Women of La Via Campesina in the Current Crisis
- Towards an emancipatory feminist economy: “Indigenous peoples, farmers, peasants and popular sectors have been inventing, for centuries, ways of sustaining life in their own territories, against neoliberalism, racism and coloniality. These ways of sustaining life allow us to think from other places, community defense, control of the territory, justice and common politics also for women.”
- Zapatista Women – 1995 Short Film
- Las Compañeras Tienen Grado
- La Ley Revolucionaria de Mujeres Zapatistas debería ser un faro a seguir.
Care Work & Social Reproduction | Reproducción de la vida
- Dr. Nina Banks discusses the Invisibility of Black Women’s Community Work – Everything Co-op: “I ended up coming up with another approach that really centered the analysis of unpaid work around this long history of African-American women who have been doing cooperative unpaid work for our communities… What I’m doing as an economist is theorizing this within an intersectional feminist political economy framework…to frame it as work that is every bit as important as the unpaid work that goes on within a private household.”
- Domestic Workers: The Women Who Raised America
- Direct action, moms and a housing crisis: “Through organizing, I met up with other moms…We wanted to find shelter for ourselves and our children, but we also wanted to highlight the harm that was caused in Oakland during the foreclosure crisis—and now with speculation and gentrification—and we want to reclaim those homes owned by speculators back into the hands of the community.”
- The State of the Care Economy: Community Leaders Weigh In – Ai-jen Poo, Adria Powell, Dennis Hogan, Dulari Tahbildarand Ellen Vera
- ‘Solidarity economy’: Indigenous women run WhatsApp food swap in Costa Rica: “The exchange revolves around ‘tejedoras’, or ‘knowledge weavers’: women from ten communities inside the territory who collect information about the food needed by families in their area, and what they have to spare.”
- Women’s Unpaid Labor is Worth $10900000000000 – NY Times: “If American women earned minimum wage for the unpaid work they do around the house and caring for relatives, they would have made $1.5 trillion last year. Globally, women would have earned $10.9 trillion.”
- Biosindicalismos desde los territorios domésticos.: “Politizar es el arte de la convivencia, de sostener lo común, es preguntarse cómo queremos organizar la vida juntas.”
- La Cocina de Las Patronas
- Sembrando Rebeldía: La Lucha de las Trabajadoras Domésticas – Podcast
Reproductive Justice | Justicia Reproductiva
- Abolition is essential to reproductive and sexual freedom — Briana Perry
- La Lucha Sigue: Lessons From Latin America’s Abortion Victories – Tina Vasquez
- Lessons from abortion doulas in the Deep South – Nzingha H
- Toolkit on Decriminalizing Abortions — Interrupting Criminalization
- Reproductive Justice: A Reading List — Black Women Radicals
- Struggles as School: Reproductive Justice and Cross Border Reflection — Susana Draper and Veronica Gago
Abolition Feminism | Feminismo Abolicionista
- Abolitionist Feminist Resources to Dismantle Policing – INCITE & Critical Resistance
- Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex – INCITE & Critical Resistance
- No More Police: A Case for Abolition from a Black feminist lens – Mariame Kaba & Andrea J. Ritchie
- She Safe We Safe Black Queer Feminist Curriculum Toolkit – BYP 100
- The Women Fighting for Prison Abolition Believe a Better World Is Possible
- What Is Abolition Feminism and Why Do We Need It Now?
Feminist Cooperatives | Cooperativas Feministas
- Associadas Co-op
- Black queer and women workers cooperatives in the hustle economy in Southeast Louisiana – Project Hustle
- Feminist Cooperatives in Rojava
- Feminist cooperativism
- Freedom Quilting Bee
- This Trans-Owned Beauty Co-op Wants To Be A Safe Space For Latinx And LGBTQ Workers
- Women Challenge Capitalism
- Formerly Incarcerated Women Launch Worker-Owned Food Business During COVID-19
- The Black Immigrant Women Who Bought a Minneapolis Mall
Banking, Debt & Finance | Banca, Deuda & Finanzas
- A Feminist Reading of Debt – Luci Cavallero and Verónica Gago
- Banking co-ops run by Black women have a longtime legacy of helping people. Dr. Caroline Hossien Shenaz.
- Shared Economies 101: How Co-Ops and Public Banks Impact Women
- We want ourselves alive and debt free! Interview with Veronica Gago
- The Black ‘Banker Ladies’ Bringing Alternative Finance to Toronto
- El endeudamiento es una guerra contra las autonomías de las mujeres.
Verónica Gago, Luci Cavallero, Beatriz Ortiz Martínez.
More Foundational Thinkers & Groups to Follow
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