News & Resources

Four New Members!

Mar 20, 2018 | News & Updates

A warm welcome to NEC's four ne​west members:

Sociocracy for All's​ vision is a world where people are organized in a cooperative, sociocratic way to meet needs —which means no one is ignored. Based in Amherst, Massachusetts, Their mission is to make resources for learning and implementing sociocracy accessible to all.

Our City Our Voice (OCOV)​, based in Chicago, is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support civic engagement processes and organizing with the goal of building community capacity to advance transformative social justice and democratic practice in the United States.

​CURE’s​ mission is to protect and restore resilient rural landscapes by harnessing the power of citizens who care about them. CURE believes that robust human communities can only be sustained by healthy ecosystems, and robust natural environments can only be regained through vigorous stewardship.​​ (Montevideo, Minnesota)

The Kola Nut Collaborative​ (based in Chicago) aims to promote and sustain a robust timebanking infrastructure which supports non-monetary transactions amongst individuals and organizations allowing a greater sum of the realized value of work to be retained and shared within local communities.



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