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New Economy Roundup: Latinx Cooperatives, Haitian Community Resilience, and Abolition Resistance United

Sep 27, 2024 | New Economy Roundup

This month we’re talking about Latinx communities getting what their communities need by any means from cooperative business development to legal action against racist politicians; the sustained resistance united against policing and genocide; and poetry by Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams, may he rest in peace. 


Latinx Cooperative Legacies: Latinx communities are driving the growth of worker cooperatives and credit unions across the United States. Cooperative Economic Alliance of NYC, an NEC member, is documenting this activity with their new and improved Seeding Solidarity interactive map. Get in on the action by joining Colaborativa La Milpa and PODER Emma for a lesson on how they’re growing this movement in North Carolina on October 2nd. You can also download our ‘Solidarity Economies in Latin America’ resource list  for examples of communities meeting their own needs from Oregon to Oaxaca.

Resilience and Justice Against Anti-Haitian Rhetoric: Despite racist anti-Haitian lies circulated on Twitter and national news, Haitian communities found cause for pride and legal action amidst the violence. Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA), a Black migrant legal aid nonprofit, is pursuing criminal charges against JD Vance and Donald Trump for their false claims. Racist anti-Haitian narratives can be traced to the successes of the Haitian Revolution and consequential IMF-imposed austerity. The productions of Haitians in the U.S. reach from Jean Baptiste DuSable establishing Chicago in 1778 to supporting slave rebellions and the cause for abolition in the 1800s to building Miami’s gastronomy in the 1960s to bringing back labor in Ohio’s factories today. Labor and excellence aside, no one’s dignity should be tied to what they can do for the capitalist economy– especially after centuries of stolen labor and wages. Read or watch this Democracy Now! interview with Guerline Jozef, HBA founder and director, to learn more about the case and struggle for TPS in America for Black migrant communities.

“If We Don’t Get No Justice, Then They Don’t Get No Peace” : Electoral attacks are shaping up from Georgia to New York, but it’s not stopping nationwide actions in defense of Palestine, Congo, and abolition. Droves of people showed up to court on September 17th to support the 61 Stop Cop City RICO defendants in a hearing to get their case dropped. Three days later, around 2,000 protesters united in Brooklyn for a solidarity march in defense of Palestine, Congo, Stop Cop City, and PIC abolition. This is just a glimpse of the action against policing and militarism around the country, and you can follow @stopcopcity on Instagram for actions near you. 





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7th Street Corridor Manager, East Bay Permanent Realty
Associate Director, Equity Trust
Base Building Director, Rogue Climate
Cooperative Education & Engagement Manager, East Bay Permanent Realty
Communications and Education Associate, Center for Economic Democracy
Cultural Space & Facilities Steward​, East Bay Permanent Realty
Director of Policy & Research, Center for Economic Democracy
Esther’s Culture & Community Manager, East Bay Permanent Realty
Legal Consultant, Agrarian Trust
Managing Director of Donor Engagement, Grassroots International
Real Estate & Finance Analyst, East Bay Permanent Realty
Solidarity Economy Incubator Cohort, Center for Economic Democracy
Senior Director of Policy & Research, Just Solutions
Strategic Planning Consultant, RiseBoro

If you’re hiring, consider submitting to The Roundup.
For more opportunities, check out this job board from NEC member the Post Growth Institute!




People Practicing Power
Have you been activated by the ongoing crises of the moment and want to better understand how seats of power shape these disasters? Do you want a refresher on how and when to address the three branches of U.S. government at each level when building campaigns? If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you want to learn more about how to build people power, join us online for the second session in the series. (Sept 26 – Virtual)

An Anti-Colonial People’s Economic History of the Americas
This workshop brings together economic histories from across the Americas with the intention of looking at how these geographies have realized different forms of social organization and efforts to create well-being across time and space. Many indigenous economic practices have persisted in spite of genocide and epistemicide. We hope to debate, explore, question and practice the first economies of the Abya Yala, Turtle Island, Mikinoc Waajew, Cem Anáhuac and all of the ways that we might know what is now called the Americas. (Sept 29 – Nov 17 – Virtual) 

City Divestment Training
Join the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Committee for a training session with experts at American Friends Service Committee on how divestment works, what to consider before launching a campaign in your city, and how to win. We will also hear from activists who have recently won divestment in their cities, including in Portland, Maine, and Hayward, California. (Sept 30 – Virtual)

Climate Resilience for Black Farmers
Please join The Black Farmer Fund on Tuesday, October 1st from 5:00-6:30pm ET for a virtual session focused on climate resilience for Black farmers. The session will include a presentation by Leah Penniman from Soul Fire Farm, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities that Black farmers face in the context of climate change. Following this, participants will engage in facilitated breakout discussion groups, where there will be an opportunity to share personal experiences, discuss how climate change has affected their operations, and explore the financial, technical, and educational resources necessary to bolster their farms. (Oct 1 – Virtual)

Brazil Landless Workers Movement Webinar
Join us for Movement Generations’s Collective Study session as we learn about the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST, the 40-year-strong landless workers movement in Brazil. We’ll get into the history, structure, and organization model of MST, their use of the assembly process to build and keep their base, and other strategies they use to scale their membership to almost 2 million people. We’ll also hear about the deadly Spring floods that hit Brazil and the MST’s involvement in Just Recovery for communities as families and communities continue to experience displacement months later. What can our movements continue to learn from MST’s work, especially at this time on the clock of the world? Let’s get into it together! (Oct 2 – Virtual)

Acompáñanos en la sesión de Estudio Colectivo de MG para aprender sobre el Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST, el movimiento de trabajadores sin tierra de Brasil que lleva 40 años de existencia. Nos adentraremos en la historia, la estructura y el modelo de organización del MST, su uso del proceso asambleario para construir y mantener su base, y otras estrategias que utilizan para aumentar el número de sus miembros a casi 2 millones de personas. También hablaremos de las mortíferas inundaciones de primavera que asolaron Brasil y de la implicación del MST en la recuperación justa de las comunidades, ya que las familias y las comunidades siguen sufriendo desplazamientos meses después. ¿Qué pueden seguir aprendiendo nuestros movimientos del trabajo del MST, especialmente en este momento en el reloj del mundo? (2 Oct – Virtual)

PODER Emma Open House for Community Ownership
You’re invited! Join Colaborativa La Milpa & PODER Emma’s Virtual Open House! Interested in learning more about our work? Join us as we share our work in: Grassroots and Cultural Organizing; Mobile Home Housing Cooperatives; Community Real Estate Cooperatives; Worker Cooperatives. RSVP to receive a zoom link. Donations welcome, but please join even if you can’t donate! (October 2 – Virtual)

2024 NCBA Cooperative Impact Conference
This annual event provides an unparalleled platform to reenergize the cooperative movement and galvanize its champions around building the next economy. Our theme this year is “The Future is Cooperative.” With the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives on the horizon, now is the time to build momentum toward a better tomorrow, together. At IMPACT 2024, we’ll fuel a global awareness and advocacy movement to lift up the people-centered businesses at the heart of our communities and economies. Join us as we envision a cooperative future! (Oct 2-3 – Washington, D.C.)

Peace Economy Writing Workshop
The workshop will focus on the peace economy: works that speak to a culture of empathy, solidarity and connectedness, and resist a culture of violence and war. In our first meet-up, we’ll decide on the structure of our meetings, and get started. Please feel free to bring work to share via a Google Doc link. All skill levels are welcome. (Oct 15 – Virtual)

Why Can’t the People Govern? Understanding the Fundamental Flaws of Our Democracy
From ceasefire to gun regulation, we are experiencing in real time the continual inability to translate the popular will into tangible policy change and changed material conditions for people’s lives. Join us for a webinar, led by Max Berger, co-founder of the Democracy Revival Center and co-founder of Momentum, to understand just how our political system is rigged. We’ll explore the US political system–from the electoral college to court systems– to better understand how we can win our demands and transform society. In order to understand how to win, we need to better understand the problem. And the good news is, political systems can change and have. (Oct 16 – Virtual)

Teach-in on Daniel Jadue
Daniel Jadue is a former activist mayor of Recoleta, the immigrant district of Santiago, Chile. During his term, he implemented many radical municipalist reforms including setting up a people’s university, libraries, and pharmacies that sold medication at cost. Sadly, he’s the victim of a rightwing attack on his people’s pharmacies and has been incarcerated since June 2024. He is currently under house arrest. You can read more about his case at the Corbyn project and the international solidarity campaign at the Municipalism Learning Series. (October 19 – Virtual)

Urban Environmental Marronage: Connecting Black Ecologies
This talk explores how marginalized communities in coastal Nigeria and the American South draw upon historical practices of marronage to create autonomous spaces and combat environmental degradation within cities. Marronage refers to the practices of enslaved Africans who escaped to form free communities in inaccessible terrains. By connecting Black ecologies from Lagos and the Niger Delta to New Orleans and South Carolina, this presentation examines how communities adapt to environmental challenges, preserve cultural heritage, and develop alternative socio-ecological systems as forms of political and ecological empowerment. These contemporary case studies of resistance and resilience reflect the enduring legacies of maroon societies across the Black Atlantic, offering new insights into global struggles for human rights and environmental justice. This event is co-hosted by Cities@Tufts and Shareable with support from Barr Foundation. (Oct 23 – Virtual)

BlackOut 2024
The Alabama State Association of Cooperatives, a member of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund (FSC/LAF), in partnership with Black Food, Black Futures and Land and Liberation, LLC will be opening up FSC/LAF’s 1,100 acres of Black-cooperative-owned land, the Rural Training and Research Center (RTRC) in rural Alabama for BlackOut, a nature-based networking event for Black conservation professionals. (Oct 24-27 – Alabama)

Co-Ops & The Next Economy
Join folks from across Connecticut’s local and regional co-op movement to connect, learn, and strategize around building businesses and an economy that prioritizes people and the planet over profit. (Oct 26 – Hartford, CT)

Worker Owner Rights & Responsibilities Training
Madison Workers Cooperative (MadWorC) is holding a training on Worker-Owner Rights & Responsibilities, open to all (held online). We encourage both new and experienced worker-owners to join to learn more about what it means to be a worker-owner and how we communicate about that. We also encourage multiple people (or even all worker-owners) from the same co-op to attend. (Oct 23 – Virtual)

NASCO Institute 2024: Mobilizing the Co-op Ecosystem
Since 1977, NASCO’s Cooperative Education & Training Institute has been widely recognized as one of the most important training and networking opportunities available to co-op members, directors, staff, and managers. This year’s theme is Mobilizing the Co-op Ecosystem. At Institute, co-opers will be exploring how cooperatives are an organizing tool and an effective alternative housing model. We’ll engage with how co-ops can foster an ecosystem that meets the needs of large student housing co-ops, start up co-ops, and everyone in between. (Nov 15-17 – Ann Arbor, MI)

Discover the Benefits of Worker Co-ops
In this webinar, we’ll learn what it means to be a values focused business and practice the cooperative principles. We’ll talk about the basics of starting a worker owned business and look at some examples of start up planning. We’ll also discuss the benefits and challenges worker co-ops face from launching to doing business. (Nov 20 – Virtual) 

Facing Race 2024
Facing Race is the nation’s largest multiracial, intergenerational racial justice conference. This biennially, one-of-a-kind space serves as a vital intersection where community organizers, activists, and movement makers converge to build power and strategies to advance racial justice. The conference provides attendees unprecedented access to resources, information, and collaborative opportunities geared towards advancing racial equity for all. (Nov 20 – St. Louis, MO)

Making Money Make Change
Making Money Make Change 2024 will offer a Transforming Philanthropy track for those who are High Net Wealth and/or involved in Family Philanthropy! The track will provide unique workshops and specialized small group pod time, while also engaging with many of the general MMMC offerings. Contact Sahana, RG HNW Program Manager, with any questions about whether the TP track is right for you ( (Nov 24 – Nashville, TN)



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