It was a busy summer at NEC! We’ve been on the move — convening online and in person (with COVID precautions of course) to strengthen our relationships and build new connections across the solidarity economy movement. As we shift into new rhythms for Fall, we wanted to share back some of the energy and inspiration from our summer gatherings and share a preview of what we’ve got cooking for the rest of the year. We know this email is coming during a moment of deep grief and compounding crises. If you’re able, please support just recovery efforts in Appalachia and mutual aid in Lebanon <3
Annual Member Meeting |
We hosted our annual All Member Meeting in July! Over 175 members from nearly 100 organizations tuned in from all around the country for three days of virtual programming, relationship building, and workshops. Highlights included getting skilled up on fighting facism with solidarity, hearing from our Creative Wildfire cohort about how to build with artists as organizers, a member-led workshop on participatory action research, and beautiful performances from Kemi Alabi and Stefa Alarcon. Check out the full recap here. |
Black Radical Democracy Convening |
The week after AMM, the Black Solidarity Economy Fund (BSEF) gathered in Durham, NC for the first ever Black Radical Democracy Convening! Over 40 people representing 25 orgs attended and were joined by movement elders with over 50 years in the Black liberation struggle. We grounded in history, shared stories, and got trained up on how we can organize democratically. The goal was to create an intergenerational circle for consensus building around how to elevate BSEF and move more resources to Black folks building the muscles of deep democracy in their communities.
“If you don’t tap into the real needs of the people, you can’t move the people”
The convening may be over, but now it’s time to make grants for the 2024 BSEF cycle! Last year, we granted $280,000 to 48 organizations and we’re hoping to increase our grantmaking this year. Now more than ever, we need to double down on funding this kind of work. Will you support Black-led solidarity economy projects by making a donation today?
Welcome New Staff! |
Welcome Donnay Edmund and Ro Keel as the newest members of the NEC staff team! Already in their short time at NEC, both Donnay and Keel have brought so much brilliance, connection, and collaborative leadership to our team and membership. Check out their bios below and meet the full NEC staff and board here. |
NEC in the Field
Rising Majority Delegation
In June, NEC hosted a 13 person delegation of members and staff to head to the Rising Majority Movement Congress. Once at Congress, our group widened to a Solidarity Economy crew of 30+ people representing NEC, Resist & Build, & USSEN. The purpose of Congress was to bring together 750+ people representing 200+ organizations of the ‘social movement Left’ to align around a 10-year power building strategy and work on a 2050 Vision that “articulates a radical democracy and regenerative economy.”

In September, a group of NEC staff headed to Chicago for the Worker Co-op Conference and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the US Federation of Worker Co-ops! It was a beautiful weekend reconnecting with old friends and meeting new faces in the solidarity economy movement.
Coming Soon: Solidarity Economies 101 |
We’re working to expand our training and political education offerings. Watch your inbox for an invitation to an upcoming public workshop we’ll be hosting in October! |
That’s all for now! Sending everyone deep care — thank you for being here with us. In solidarity, The NEC Staff Team |