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New Economy Roundup: Black Co-op History, Fighting Fascism Everywhere, Solidarity Economy Case Studies

Feb 1, 2024 | New Economy Roundup

This month we’re talking about Black cooperative history, five case studies of regional solidarity economies, and how people are resisting the growing tide of fascism from Atlanta to Oaxaca to Argentina while building community power.

Cooperative heroes and civil rights activists Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Jo Baker address a crowd together in 1964. Source: Cooperative Hall of Fame.

Black Solidarity Economy History: Every year, we learn something new about the Black cooperatives throughout history, but did you know that between 1837 and 1847 Black Philadelphians created more than 80 benevolent societies for mutual aid for neighbors with mental and physical health barriers? This Black History Month, the Black Solidarity Economy Fund is using our Instagram to share Black history facts to honor our solidarity economy ancestors and raise money for our generation of resistors and builders. In the meantime, take a deep dive into Black Cooperative History.

Solidarity Economies – Building Community Power: In case you missed it, this December we released a series with Nonprofit Quarterly looking at how five NEC members in different regions of the US are building solidarity economies and governing themselves through participatory democracy, cooperation, and community ownership. Check out the full series below, and hear from members directly by joining the February 21st webinar, Remaking the Economy: Building Regional Solidarity Economies.

Workers in Santa Fe, Argentina marching against Milei’s threats to public education. Photo by Titi Nicola.

Argentina General Strike: Last week, an estimated 1.5 million workers took part in a General Strike in Argentina, to protest austerity measures implemented by far-right President Javier Milei. Following the mass protests, Argentina’s courts have reportedly annulled the labor chapter of Milei’s “mega-decree,” signaling a win for organized labor and social movements in Argentina! Follow collectives such Ni Una Menos to stay tuned about what people are demanding.

Solidarity with Anti-Gentrification Protesters in Oaxaca: On January 26, six people were arrested in Oaxaca, Mexico, for protesting against the rampant gentrification of the city. Those facing charges organize various mutual aid and solidarity economy projects in Oaxaca, including Nkä’äymyujkëmë Community Kitchen, which provides food and resources for migrant, queer, and Indigenous people. From Oaxaca to Atlanta to Panama and Gaza — protest, land defense, and mutual aid are not a crime! Help amplify the story and tell the governor and prosecutors to drop all charges.

Solidarity with Palestine: Even as the federal government continues to blatantly abandon Palestinians facing genocide, organized labor and cities across the US are stepping up to demand a ceasefire. Learn how the cooperative movement can deepen our solidarities, and take creative direct action to begin divesting from the war machine.



Cooperative Development Trainer, Democracy At Work Institute
Development Coordinator, Black Men Build
Development Director, U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Various Positions, Futuro
Various Positions, Mountain Association

We’ll be back with more jobs in the next edition of the Roundup – and maybe a few extra surprises! 😉 In the meantime, checkout this great job board from NEC member the Post Growth Institute & follow Mo Weeks from Interrupting Criminalization for the next Lefty Job Fair.


Book Club 2024
The Virginia Solidarity Economy Network is coming together to read Braiding Sweetgrass to deepen our connection to indigenous knowledge and the solidarity economy. Follow the link to join. If you need a copy of the book, let them know at (Feb 4 – Online)

Embodied Divestment: Overcoming internal and external blocks to collectively move money out of militarism
Are you curious about divestment as a tactic to resist war? Join Art.Coop and Resource Generation for a two-part workshop series pairs divestment tools with somatic and creative practices. It will focus on the D part of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement — removing investments from the corporations that are funding genocide in Palestine, as well as other sites of colonial violence. (February 5 & 19 — Online)

Building Regional Solidarity Economies
Whether you’re a social movement activist, nonprofit leader, board member, or engaged in community-based organizing, this webinar will provide you with real-life examples and lessons learned that can inform your work in your own community. Register to learn how nonprofits and movement activists are advancing strategies to address the economic and social inequalities of our time! (Feb 21 – Online)

9th National Conference On Community and Restorative Justice
Join us in this defining moment as we envision, explore, and take action to ensure community and restorative justice principles not only survive but thrive within our own lives, families, and communities, and as we reimagine the systems and structures that underpin our society. By joining together, we will create impactful connections, enable the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and provide experiences that inspire tangible change. Together, we have the capacity to establish a legacy that is inherently restorative, leaving a profound and enduring mark on our world. (July 29 – Aug 1 2024 – Washington, D.C.)



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