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New Economy Roundup: People’s Climate Week, Latinx Co-op Ecosystems, Feminist Organizing Schools

Sep 21, 2023 | New Economy Roundup

This month we’re talking about Peoples’ Climate Week in NYC, a win for community land trusts in Miami, immigrant-led cooperatives, peoples’ assemblies in Kenya, feminist organizing schools, a message from the Black Solidarity Economy Fund, and more.

Photo via Collin Rees

People’s Climate Week: This week, 75,000 people in New York City took to the streets to demand climate action and an end to fossil fuels. As man-made climate disasters continue to escalate, we have no choice but to reject false solutions and demand just recovery efforts that address the root causes of the climate crisis. Learn how communities from Puerto Rico to California to Maui are resisting disaster capitalism and taking back their power through community-led recovery.

Land in Community Hands: Last week, Miami voted to establish a pilot community land trust (CLT) program with the goal of creating 50 units of affordable housing. Congratulations to NEC member SMASH for their extensive advocacy that supported this win! Meanwhile in New York, NEC member the New Economy Project is rallying to pass the Community Land Act — a landmark bill that would level the playing field for CLTs looking to buy land and buildings.

Latinx Co-op Ecosystems: In East Boston, the center for Cooperative Development and Solidarity is seeding an ecosystem of immigrant-led cooperatives to resist gentrification and build community power. Their work is rooted in the deep legacies of cooperative economics across Latin America, and is part of a broader movement to build community self-governance in Latinx communities across the US. Learn more in our Solidarity Economies in Latin America resource list.

Feminist Organizing School in Honduras: This summer, the International Feminist Organizing School gathered in Honduras to bring together more than 100 women from across the Americas. Hear reflections from the gathering and learn how they’re bringing the values of a feminist economy to life through collective study and practice. Deepen your own learning through this Feminist & Popular Economies reading list, and support a similar gathering coming up in Quito, Ecuador!

People’s Assemblies in Kenya: In August, a People’s Assemblies Forum was held in Mathare, Nairobi to explore how people’’ assemblies offer an alternative towards building a pool of popular power from below. Participants learned about the history of people’s assemblies in Kenya — including case studies like Women’s Land Assembly in 2022 — and how neighborhood assemblies can be scaled up toward the national level. Read the full report.

Gig Workers’ Victory in India: After much pressure by people’s organizations and trade unions, gig workers in India saw a win with the passage of the Rajasthan Platform-Based Gig Workers Bill. Read how the new law could “play a role in taming these bosses and paving the way to imagine open-sourced, worker-owned platforms and digital commons.

Check out highlights from the first ever Black Solidarity Economy Fund retreat in Oakland back in July!

In 2020 Black leadership within New Economy Coalition created the Black Solidarity Economy Fund. Since then, we have moved over $450,000 to Black-led Solidarity Economy projects. We want to continue to grow the fund and move more resources to Black leadership within the Solidarity Economy movement. Help us reach our $150,000 fundraising goal by donating today!



Follow us on Instagram — @neweconomycoalition — where we’re lifting up the work of our latest cohort of Creative Wildfire artists! This week’s highlight is Lizzie Suarez, an artist, cultural organizer, and popular educator based in Miami

Associate Director of Communications, Caring Across Generations
Associate Editor, Dissent Magazine
Communications Manager, Cooperative Development (Northeast)
Community Advocacy, Research, and Education Senior Manager, Pride Foundation (Seattle)
Community Organizer, United for A New Economy (Denver)
Field Director and Membership Coordinator, National Black Food and Justice Alliance
Project Coordinator Contractor, Democracy at Work Institute (DAWI)
Trainer & Curriculum Development Consultant – Midwest Academy

Financial Manager, Indigenous Environmental Network
North America Campaign Lead / Senior Campaigner, Social Movement Technologies
Various Positions, Groundswell Fund
Various Positions, Jobs with Justice
Various Positions, Urban Homesteading Assistance Board
Various Positions, Urban Tilth

Strike! Queer and Trans Tales from the Workers’ Rights Movement
Join queer and trans organizers in a lively conversation about efforts to advance the rights and dignity of workers from picket lines and beyond. Learn how you can join the growing movement bringing together the intersection of queer, trans, and workers’ rights. (Sept 26 – Online)

Self-Governance and Money Conference 2023
Join Sociocracy for All for their summit is a platform to connect, share and learn from the collective wisdom of leaders and consultants who are trailblazing this shift in their respective fields. We aim to uncover innovative solutions and best practices that help in strengthening the alignment between purpose and people in self-organized workplaces. (September 28-29 – Online)

Beloved Economies Learning & Practice Intensive
Together with your team, walk away from a culture of exhaustion and extraction towards an unprecedented level of shared ownership. (Sept 28, Nov 16 & Dec 6 – Online)

How Do We Relate to the State?
Join Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Harsha Walia, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Mijente, Paula X. Rojas and Beth Richie for a virtual discussion about the political processes, practices, and institutions that will bring us closer to visions of safer, thriving, and liberatory communities in which everyone’s needs are met without surveillance, policing, or punishment. (Sept 29 – Online)

Resist & Build: Land & Space in NYC
Join the kick-off of’s “Art Worlds We Want” series with a screening the film, “Rabble Rousers: Frances Goldin and the Fight for Cooper Square,” and talking to two organizers featured in the film who have been deeply involved in the fight to transform Cooper Square into the community-controlled land that it is today in downtown. (Sept 30 – NYC)

Financial Foundations Series – Financial Education for Other Worlds
Want to strengthen your finance skills in a way that’s aligned with your values?Part of a coop, business, nonprofit, or other project and interested in shared power around finances? Register for A Bookkeeping Cooperative’s 4-part financial foundations workshop series. (Oct & Nov – Online)

The Assembly of Black Possibilities
The Assembly of Black Possibilities is an assembly in Boston, MA that brings together working-class individuals, Black and Indigenous communities, people of color, and translocal solidarity economy practitioners. The opening reception is happening at Grace by Nia, and our featured topic is Funding Black Futures. (October 2-3 – Boston)

Organizing for Freedom: How Beyond the Bars is challenging the carceral system in Miami
Join Beyond the Bars to learn and celebrate the success, challenges, and lessons from their organizing campaign! Come listen to and celebrate their stories and experiences of reclaiming their voices and power. Explore the lessons learned from their outstanding organizing journey. (October 4 – Online)

Practicing Autonomy to Think-Feel Decolonially
Join El Cambalache in Chiapas to look at the work, struggles and successes in creating autonomy from a de-/anti-colonial perspective. Case studies include Philadelphia, Cusco, and more. (7 sessions Oct 7- Nov 25 – Online)

2023 Union Co-op Symposium
Co-op Cincy presents its 6th biennial Union Co-op Symposium, which will focus on combining the best of the co-op and union movements to forge a new economy rooted in connection. Activities will highlight equity, labor, community wealth-building, and care for the earth and ourselves. (October 20-21 – Cincinnati)

Introduction to Solidarity Economy Movements (Bilingual in English and Spanish)
Solidarity economy movements are people-powered forces to protect what matters most. They draw on tools and traditions within many lineages, making them accessible to any community, anywhere. Join us to explore what a solidarity economy movement is, how it works, and ways we can stay oriented to movement-building even as we navigate against the tides of capitalism and oppression. (Oct 23 – Online)

Diverse Leaders in Climate and Agriculture Summit
This Summit is a collaborative effort with partners from the agricultural, finance, and climate justice sectors working together to build an agenda that speaks to the critical issue of the moment, elevating BIPOC voices. (Nov 17 & 18)  

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