Prospective Member Information

Prospective Member Information

The New Economy Coalition, formed in 2012, is a membership-based network representing the solidarity economy movement in the US.

We exist to organize our members into a more powerful and united force, in order to accelerate the transition of our economic system from capitalism to a solidarity economy.


150+ members make up this multi-racial, multi-sector, cross class national organizing space! NEC members are the  incubators, basebuilders, networkers and practitioners of regional  solidarity economy ecosystems. They are building systems beyond their institution and are engaged in movements and activities that support & create conditions necessary for solidarity economies to emerge and thrive.



We are guided by the leadership of communities who have always built solidarity economies from a place of vision, creativity, and survival: Black, Indigenous, immigrant, and working class communities and by women, queer and trans people. We know that we will all be free when all of these communities have self- determination and community control of land, labor, and livelihoods.


Network Gatherings
  • Connect directly with 150+ members working to build the solidarity economy!
  • Attend and present on member calls, trainings and events
  • Participate in our Annual Meeting
  • Join a Working Group or peer support space (Arts, Culture & Care WG; Black Solidarity Economy Fund; Caregivers Connect; Communications WG; Educators Connect; Resource Mobilization WG) 
  • Engage on our Connect-NEC listserv
  • Apply for members-only resources including conference/event sponsorship ($500-$1,000) and the Regional Relationships Fund.
  • Receive introductions to movement funders
  • Receive and offer peer support on a range of topics on how to resource our organizations/movement, in the form of 45-minute sessions with ‘resourcing specialists’. 
  • Access our Solidarity Economy Funding Library
  • Press, media, and storytelling support 
  • Submit news, jobs, and events to the Roundup email newsletter
  • Set up a discounted merch store with Worx Co-op
  • Vote in elections and on proposals for governing our network
  • Provide strategic and programmatic direction 
  • Run for the Board
  • Seek endorsement from the network for your organization’s sign-on letters and other initiatives


  • Participate in the NEC network! This can look like joining or convening a working group, attending quarterly calls or our Annual Member Meeting, voting in board elections, providing strategic feedback, and/or staying active on our listserv.

  • Actively practice our shared values, which includes embodying a culture of reparations and restoration, and following the leadership of communities that have been most harmed by our current economic system — namely Black, Indigenous, immigrant, working class, women, queer, trans, and disabled people. 

  • Keep in touch. This includes maintaining a primary point of contact with NEC staff and filling out occasional member surveys.

  • Pay annual member dues beginning January 1 of the calendar year after you join NEC. 100% of member dues are redistributed to the network.


For Black, Indigenous, and/or POC-led organizations, and organizations with a budget at or under $100,000, dues are .06% of annual budget. Dues will have a cap of $1,000. BIPOC is defined as:  

  • The executive director, highest paid staff, or the equivalent is Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC), and/or
  • At least 2/3 or more of staff are BIPOC, and/or
  • More than half of the board, steering committee, or other leadership body and volunteers in leadership positions are BIPOC  

For all other organizations, dues are .1% of annual budget. Dues will have a mandatory cap of $2,000. Members are welcome to pay above the dues cap. All dues in excess of $2000 annually will go towards a member dues fund that will provide dues relief to members experiencing financial hardship. 


NEC strives to develop a balanced membership based on location/ region, sectoral  focus, organization leadership and structure, etc. Membership is not currently open to individuals, sole proprietorships, or municipalities. 

In order to be eligible for NEC membership, an organization must:


NEC opens membership in our network annually and invites organizations to apply. We are planning our next round of invitations for Fall 2024. If your organization is interested in membership, we encourage you to complete this form. Completing this form does not guarantee an invitation to membership but will help us in identifying organizations to invite. Your responses will help us learn more about your work in relation to NEC’s core project of supporting regional/place-based solidarity economy organizing.

If you have any questions, please email



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