Transform Finance

Transform Finance

Transform Finance works with investors and communities to ensure that capital aligns with a social justice agenda to support vulnerable groups.

Beneficial State Foundation

Beneficial State Foundation

Beneficial State Foundation’s mission is to create, guide, and promote a beneficial banking model that transforms the banking industry; we accelerate the transformation by attracting human, financial, intellectual and capital resources to beneficial banking.

Salish Sea Cooperative Finance

Salish Sea Cooperative Finance

Founded in 2014, Salish Sea Cooperative Finance (SSCoFi) is a cooperatively owned social enterprise which refinances high interest student loans in Washington State by reinvesting its members’ financial resources.

Resource Generation

Resource Generation

Resource Generation organizes young people with wealth and class privilege in the U.S. to become transformative leaders working towards the equitable distribution of wealth, land and power.

Cooperation Buffalo

Cooperation Buffalo

Our mission is to mobilize workers to achieve economic security through cooperative business ownership in order to generate wealth and power in communities most affected by inequality.