by s2AdminTest | Oct 19, 2020
“Reap Goodness is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit developing training in worker-owned cooperatives to solve global climate change. Coordinated trios of cooperatives work to capture and store rain, build food forests and clean polluted waters for people and animals.”
by s2AdminTest | Oct 19, 2020
Carolina Common Enterprise works for an economy in which all people participate and prosper. We help to develop new and expanding cooperatives through cultivating economic opportunities and connecting communities and resources to each other.
by s2AdminTest | Oct 19, 2020
Jobs With Justice believes that all workers should have collective bargaining rights, employment security and a decent standard of living within an economy that works for everyone.
by s2AdminTest | Oct 19, 2020
The Platform Cooperativism Consortium (PCC) is a hub for research, community building, and advocacy for co-ops that make the digital transition.
by s2AdminTest | Oct 19, 2020
The Cooperative Development Program’s mission is to support community residents’ efforts to organize cooperative businesses and establish a platform for achieving economic goals.
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