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Solidarity Economy Shorts #1: Land Liberation with Nuns & Nones

Oct 5, 2023 | Resources

Solidarity Economy Shorts is a podcast collaboration between New Economy Coalition and Cooperative Journal Media. Tune in for more stories at Cooperative Journal Podcast
& find the podcast at your favorite streaming platform. 

Solidarity Economy Shorts are conversations with frontline organizations and individuals that are putting solidarity economy principles into practice and using different strategies to build an economic system where communities are meeting their own needs outside of capitalism.

In our first short we talk about LAND LIBERATION, and engage in conversation with NEC member Nuns and Nones, a community of sisters and seekers who connect to explore the themes of justice, spiritual practice, and how to respond to the needs of the times. The Land Justice Project evolved to support these religious communities to reimagine and shift who has ownership and access to the land they are on.


In this episode Ebony Joy of Cooperative Journal Media speaks with Brittany Koteles, the director of Nuns and Nones. She begins with laying a foundation for what land justice is and how the Land Justice Project embodies it through its models and practices. She shares when and why land became commodified, how the aging community of nuns is navigating the mistrust and contradictions that emerge when giving Catholic owned land to Native American and Black people, and ways you can engage in land justice.

? Important notes & links:
Nuns & Nones
Sustainable Economies Law Center
Agrarian Commons: model of land stewardship and access that allows for community ownership of farmland
Center for Ethical Land Transition: explores ways to decommodify, rematriate, and increase accessibility to land for BIPOC communities

Episode Music by MADlines
Podcast collaboration between New Economy Coalition and Cooperative Journal Media (@cooperativejournal).



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