Co-op Academy Curriculum

Worcester Roots, Boston Center for Community Ownership, Toolbox for Education and Social Action, and Cooperative Development Institute collaborated on forming this curriculum for start up worker cooperatives.

Co-op Academy Curriculum

Worcester Roots, Boston Center for Community Ownership, Toolbox for Education and Social Action, and Cooperative Development Institute collaborated on forming this curriculum for start up worker cooperatives.

Amazon’s Stranglehold: How Amazon’s Tightening Grip on the Economy Is Stifling Competition, Eroding Jobs, and Threatening Communities

Amazon’s Stranglehold: How Amazon’s Tightening Grip on the Economy Is Stifling Competition, Eroding Jobs, and Threatening Communities

Amazon has quietly positioned itself at the center of a growing share of our daily activities and transactions, extending its tentacles across our economy, and with it, our lives. In this report, ILSR pulls back the curtain on the company, and find that it's at the center of increasing inequality and diminishing opportunity.