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A Letter from the Black Solidarity Economy Fund Working Group

Jun 1, 2021 | News & Updates

From Reconstruction through the Civil Rights/Black Liberation Movement, to today’s demand for a radical restructuring of this country’s policies regarding policing, criminal justice, and funding of health and human needs, the tireless work and innovative ideas of Black organizers have proven that another world is possible. Black cooperative economics – with special energy and insight from Black women and queer Black folx – has delivered justice, prosperity, and security when it has been systematically denied to Black communities. All this has occurred despite a system that denies Black communities critical access in the realm of funding, ideas, leadership, and capacity-building.

Guided by our Black-led member organizations and a sincere desire to take immediate concrete steps towards rectifying this inequity, we are acting to redistribute the power of money and ideas by investing a portion of our budget to support the power of Black-led organizations, organizers, and ideas – which are too often ignored, silenced, and appropriated.

Thanks to the incredible support of NEC members and funders we have a sustainable fund for Black-led Solidarity Economy projects. We will prioritize the Black-led NEC members as a continued intentional act of reparations at a time when we must acknowledge both how nonprofit organizations benefit from structural racism and racial capitalism, and the role we should play in dismantling it.

We are so happy to be at the point where our initial intention is being expanded upon. More than growth and increasing the fundraising goal (something we’ve already achieved), we aim to widen the Black Solidarity Economy Fund’s reach. We wish to ensure connection with Black leadership and communities that may not define themselves in terms of “solidarity economy” yet align perfectly with this vision and desired impact.

Our democratized process of distributing funding will continue to be through a collective granting process led by Black members in our network for Black-led organizations and members in our network. For those that have not been members, we also hope to engage and invite y’all in.

In solidarity,

The Black NEC Working Group and NEC Staff



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