Announcing the 2020 Movement Support Grantees

Announcing the 2020 Movement Support Grantees

Show me what community looks like. This is what community looks like. When you hear those words, you might hear a protest chant. I hear a daily practice. One that centers mutual aid, community care, solidarity. When we launched the #ShareMyCheck campaign, our goal was...
#MakingWaves: Staff Profile on René Pérez

#MakingWaves: Staff Profile on René Pérez

‘"Before working at New Economy Coalition, I didn't know you could earn a living while dedicating your life to movement work."René joined NEC five years ago, after meeting Communications Director Eli Feghali through Occupy Boston. The two worked...
#MakingWaves: Staff Profile on Kelly Baker

#MakingWaves: Staff Profile on Kelly Baker

‘Funding the RevolutionBefore we can change any system we must first see and understand it for what it truly is. For Kelly Baker, Interim Co-Director at NEC, that system is philanthropy.“Fundraising for our work isn’t enough. We need to revolutionize...