A Solar Leader Emerges in Rural Iowa

A Solar Leader Emerges in Rural Iowa

It seems counterintuitive that a conservative farming community in southeastern Iowa is home to some of the most expansive solar generation in the U.S. But that's exactly what's happening in the area served by Farmers Electric Cooperative, the rural utility whose enterprising leader, Warren McKenna, saw renewables as a gateway to economic vitality.

Green Map Icons and the UN SDGs

Green Map Icons and the UN SDGs

Green Map's globally designed iconography is now matched to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Use them to improve communications about complex topics. More at http://GreenMap.org/icons

Why Should Baltimore Recycle More?

Why Should Baltimore Recycle More?

The report was prepared to inform city agencies, City Council and Mayor's Office about the immediate opportunities for increased recycling and its potential economic impact on the city. The Office of Sustainability, Department of Planning and Department of Public Works were all generous with their data and insights in helping prepare the report.