
WATCH: Worker Co-ops — A solution for an economy in crisis

Learn about: the worker co-op movement's development over the last few years newly-released data on successes and growth in employee ownership how the worker cooperative movement is raising money for the people and by the people, and exciting policy developments in the last year.


WATCH: Worker Co-ops — A solution for an economy in crisis

Learn about: the worker co-op movement's development over the last few years newly-released data on successes and growth in employee ownership how the worker cooperative movement is raising money for the people and by the people, and exciting policy developments in the last year.


WATCH: Worker Co-ops — A solution for an economy in crisis

Learn about: the worker co-op movement's development over the last few years newly-released data on successes and growth in employee ownership how the worker cooperative movement is raising money for the people and by the people, and exciting policy developments in the last year.


Local Bites Podcast

Local Bites Podcast

Local Bites is a podcast that tracks ideas and initiatives that resist corporate power, renew place-based economies, and preserve human and ecological well-being. Our goal is to feature the voices of activists and visionaries from all around the world who are driving creative grassroots initiatives that demonstrate the power of 'going local'.

PODCAST: Universal Basic Income Pt. 2

PODCAST: Universal Basic Income Pt. 2

In this episode, we continue our exploration of the exciting and contentious idea of Universal Basic Income.


— Juliana Bidadanure (Stanford)
— Doug Henwood (Jacobin)
— Rutger Bregman
— Kathi Weeks
— Erik Olin Wright
— Richard Wolff
— Matt Bruenig
— Martin Kirk
— Manda Scott
— Sofa Gradin

CEANYC Resources Page

CEANYC Resources Page

National and NYC based resources on the solidarity economy containing reports, audio recordings and podcasts, books, articles, films, how to guides, and relevant national and local groups.



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