The Energy Justice Law and Policy Center

The Energy Justice Law and Policy Center

The Energy Justice Law and Policy Center is an energy law and policy think tank and justice center. We provide frontline communities with energy policy support to participate in a just transition. The mission of EJLPC is to achieve a community informed and frontline-led clean just transition through BIPOC leadership through multi-racial and intergenerational organizing and policy advocacy.

Virginia Solidarity Economy Network

Virginia Solidarity Economy Network

The VA Solidarity Economy Network supports, educates, and connects people striving to build a more resilient and equitable economy based on shared values.

Southern Sector Rising

Southern Sector Rising

Southern Sector Rising (SSR) fights environmental, economic and racial inequities in Dallas through education, coalition and power building, policy advocacy, and mutual aid. We envision a Dallas where Black, Latina/o/x, and Indigenous residents have access to a full range of social and economic opportunities to determine their futures and thrive.

Economic Justice League

Economic Justice League

Working toward eliminating wealth gaps, the Economic Justice League (EJL) is a project-based research, facilitation and design collective – investigating and incubating interventions that enable sustainable community wealth building within low-moderate income (LMI), BIPOC and hyper-local communities.



Collaborising is a fusion of two words: Collaborate and Rising. By working together to eradicate racism and homelessness we rise to create a more just and harmonious society. “Working together…Rising together”, is not just a tagline, but a core belief that supports our mission to challenge the unequal distribution of wealth, opportunity, and privilege that exists in our communities.