This week we’re talking about an Indigenous-led community land trust in northern California, the fight against food apartheid in Baltimore, how alternative currencies are building local resilience, ending US economic imperialism in Cuba and Haiti, rural cooperative...
New Economy Roundup: Climate Crisis & the Solidarity Economy, Creative Wildfire Manifesto, Another World is Happening
This week we’re talking about the PNW heatwave and how solidarity economy organizers are preparing for climate migration; $1.5M in city funding for cooperative housing in NYC; solidarity with Palestine; global movements for seed sovereignty; a new manifesto we’re...
New Economy Roundup: Reparations June, Indigenous Energy Futures, Economics for Emancipation
This week we’re talking about Juneteenth and reparations, Indigenous-led organizing for energy democracy and health cooperatives, solidarity economy policy recommendations from around the world, a new podcast series on Economics for Emancipation, and more!
New Economy Roundup: Solidarity Economy vs. Capitalism, Free Palestine, Public Banking in the Pandemic
This week we’re talking about how the solidarity economy can move us beyond capitalism, a new bill to finance co-ops, uprisings in Palestine and calls to defund Israeli military forces, how public banks around the world have responded to the pandemic, why cooperative...
New Economy Roundup: Housing for All, #PeoplesBudget, Asian American Solidarity Economies
This week we’re talking about why community ownership is a vital COVID recovery strategy, how public banking can build the solidarity economy, the national strike in Colombia, Asian American solidarity economies, resources to build your own #PeoplesBudget campaign, and more.
New Economy Roundup: Abolition Can’t Wait, Anti-Militarism to Protect the Planet, Internet for the People
This week we’re talking about why defunding the police and reinvesting in our communities can’t wait, putting racial justice and anti-militarism at the heart of climate solutions, a new worker-owned internet provider in New York, plans to tax the rich in Latin...
New Economy Roundup: 40 Acres and a Mall, Black Solidarity Economy Fund, Health over Profits
This week we’re talking about efforts to bring the Crenshaw Mall in LA into community ownership, funding for rural electric co-ops in the Biden Jobs Plan, how community land trusts can create permanently affordable housing, inequities in global vaccine distribution,...
New Economy Roundup: Stop AAPI Hate, #ShareMyCheck, Artists for a Solidarity Economy
This week we’re talking about the growing wave of anti-Asian violence in the US, how you can redistribute your stimulus check, solidarity economy organizing from Chicago to India, Amazon strikes in Italy, a new report on funding artists and culture workers in the...
New Economy Roundup: $1.9T COVID Relief Package, Rural Electric Power to the People, International Working Women’s Day
This week we’re talking about the how the $1.9T COVID relief package will benefit millions of working-class people including Black farmers, a new campaign for utility justice and rural electric cooperative reform, the water crisis in Jackson, how women across Latin...
New Economy Roundup: Black Co-op History, Energy Democracy Now, Artists Dismantling Capitalism
This week we’re celebrating the history and future of Black cooperative economics! We’re also talking about why the Southern blackouts highlight the need for energy democracy, solidarity with popular uprisings in Haiti, why artists need a solidarity economy, building...
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