News & Resources

Resource List: Free Palestine

Nov 30, 2023 | Resource List, Resources

“We are like olive trees that our ancestors planted. We are unshaken. We are unmoved. We are undeniable. Stand with us in this promise. We promise, Palestine still promises, that we will all be free.” — Noura Erakat

November 29th marked the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine. As a one-week temporary ceasefire expires in Gaza, we stand with movements around the world calling for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation. NEC has signed on the Rising Majority statement of solidarity with Gaza, and the Black Solidarity Economy Fund working group has signed on to Black for Palestine. We’ve compiled a list of resources and ways to take action, as well as how NEC members are showing their solidarity.



UPDATE DEC 11: Share this video about the week of action to DIVEST FROM MILITARISM and INVEST IN LIFE! 

This is the fifth of our mini teach-in series with Niki Franco. Follow Niki’s work at @venusroots.


This list is just a start! Have more resources to add here? Send them our way at 



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