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TFIN Webinar: The Movement for Black Lives Economic Platform: The Role of Investors

Apr 1, 2017 | Resources

The Movement for Black Lives released last year a comprehensive platform, including an economic plank that discusses various opportunities for the economic development of black communities. Many aligned investors sit in a position to use their capital as a tool to support this platform. What are the best ways for this community, which is often seen as outside the realm of racial justice, to engage with the M4BL economic platform?

In this Transform Finance Investor Network Webinar, we look at the various ways activists are engaging with investors around racial equity, the privatization of education, and opportunities to move capital into community-based solutions like land trusts and cooperatives. The discussion is led by Cathy Albisa, Director of NESRI, and Rashad Jamal Buni of the Black Youth Project.


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