Member Directory

Meet our 200+ members working to build a more just, liberatory, and democratic economy! Use the filters below to sort by sector, location, and focus area of work. 

W and Mondragon USA are building a national network of unionized worker-owned cooperative businesses to overcome inequality of opportunity, mobility, and income.

Agrarian Trust

Agrarian Trust’s mission is to support land access for the next generation of farmers.

Alaska Just Transition Collective

The Alaska Just Transition Collective strives to not only create a “new” path forward but also to remember a knowledge system that has lived in harmony with these lands for thousands of years. For us, a Just Transition means uplifting Indigenous place-based knowledge systems and ways of life while we shape regenerative economies, steward lands and waters, and build more just and equitable communities for all.

American Sustainable Business Council

The mission of American Sustainable Business Council is to create a new vision and framework and advance market solutions and policies that ensure a vibrant, just, and sustainable economy.

Austin Cooperative Business Association (ACBA)

The Austin Cooperative Business Association (ACBA) works to build and expand the cooperative economy in central Texas.

Beautiful Trouble

Beautiful Trouble equips grassroots movements with tools to be creative, strategic and solution-oriented. Our books, trainings, web tools and global network of visionary thinkers and doers distill best practices and animate possibilities for transformative change.

Beloved Community Incubator

We support workers to create and maintain collectively owned businesses so that workers can control their work, pay themselves living wages, build a democratic practice of stewarding resources together and engage in the wider Washington, DC area movement ecosystem that is building abolition and decolonization.

Beneficial State Foundation

Beneficial State Foundation's mission is to create, guide, and promote a beneficial banking model that transforms the banking industry; we accelerate the transformation by attracting human, financial, intellectual and capital resources to beneficial banking.

Black Oregon Land Trust

BOLT is dedicated to ensuring that Black communities in Oregon have secure and affordable land access, sustainable agricultural skills, and the protected ecosystems needed to grow economically, environmentally, and culturally thriving communities. BOLT is committed to eliminating the systemic barriers that continue to prevent Black communities from securely accessing land, because we believe that land sovereignty is the key to achieving our visions of food justice, generational wealth and health, cultural preservation, and thriving communities.

Boston Center for Community Ownership

We are a worker, self-directed non-profit co-op development center rooted in community organizing. We provide organizing support in English and Spanish for startup co-ops and co-op conversions, as well as ongoing training and technical assistance for existing cooperatives. We believe in a worker-led approach to cooperatives and community economic development.

Boston Impact Initiative

The Boston Impact Initiative is a place based, impact investment fund that partners with businesses and organizations throughout the region to create systemic shifts in opportunities for urban communities.

Boston Ujima Project

Boston Ujima Project is a cooperative business, arts and investment ecosystem, built by and for Boston’s working class Black, Indigenous and communities of color.

Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative

BCDI is growing an equitable, sustainable, and democratic local economy in the Bronx that creates shared wealth and ownership for low-income people of color.

BYP 100

BYP100 is an activist member-based organization of Black 18-35 year olds, dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people through building a network focused on transformative leadership development, direct action organizing, advocacy, and education.

Canadian Community Economic Development Network

CCED-NET is a member-led organization committed to strengthening communities by creating economic opportunities that improve environmental and social conditions.  We bring people and organizations together to share knowledge and build a collective voice for Community Economic Development action.

Canadian Worker Co-op Federation

CWCF is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives and organizations that support the growth and development of worker co-operatives.

Candide Group

Candide Group directs capital away from an extractive global economy towards investments dedicated to social justice and sustainability.

Carolina Common Enterprise

Carolina Common Enterprise works for an economy in which all people participate and prosper. We help to develop new and expanding cooperatives through cultivating economic opportunities and connecting communities and resources to each other.

Catalyst Miami

We build power with frontline communities throughout Miami-Dade County to collectively advance justice and achieve shared prosperity:

Center for Community Wealth Building

"Our mission is to mobilize, facilitate, and coordinate community wealth building efforts with the practical objectives of widening community education on economic alternatives, enhancing diverse participation and fostering viable projects for the creation of just and sustainable jobs and democratically-owned businesses in the region."

Center For Economic Democracy

C.E.D. engages progressive donors, private sector leaders and government officials to support  popular organizing, economic development and cultural activism in our most vulnerable communities.

Center for Popular Economics

The Center for Popular Economics is a nonprofit collective of political economists based in Amherst, MA. Since our founding in 1979, thousands of people have participated in our workshops and Institutes.

Clean Energy Works

Clean Energy Works connects champions of energy efficiency and renewable energy with resources that accelerate investment in clean energy solutions.

Cleveland Owns

Cleveland Owns is a economic democracy incubator that builds cooperative businesses and leads campaigns for community control of resources. We know that in racial capitalism, ownership matters, so we're organizing multiracial, grassroots cooperatives that enable member owners to build wealth and power. We're working towards a Cleveland owned by its residents.

Co-op Cincy

Co-op Cincy nurtures a resilient, integrated network of worker-owned businesses in the Greater Cincinnati region to create an economy that works for all.

Co-op Dayton

Co-op Dayton has a mission to create economic opportunities that support family-sustaining jobs and a thriving city by incubating businesses that are locally owned and operated by their employees. Co-op Dayton is dedicated to educating the Dayton community about the potential of worker co-ops and other cooperative and democratic business models that can close the wealth gap and bring life back to our blighted business corridors. To do this, we train employees in the skills they need to become small business owners and true participants in democratic workplace governance and support the development of worker-owned businesses that address economic and social needs of people in the greater Dayton region.


CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs while growing Local Peace Economies.

CoFed: Cooperative Food Empowerment Directive

CoFED provides tools and trainings for campus communities to develop strong cooperatively-run food businesses.     We engage with a dynamic network to increase access to healthy food while promoting thriving, equitable, and resilient local economies.


Collaborising is a fusion of two words: Collaborate and Rising. By working together to eradicate racism and homelessness we rise to create a more just and harmonious society. “Working together...Rising together”, is not just a tagline, but a core belief that supports our mission to challenge the unequal distribution of wealth, opportunity, and privilege that exists in our communities.

Common Future

Common Future creates real prosperity by connecting leaders, spreading solutions that work, and attracting investment toward local economies.

Community Movement Builders

Community Purchasing Alliance Cooperative

Community Purchasing Alliance is a social-purpose cooperative -- 100% owned by our members -- that builds volume to help community institutions (faith, education, housing, non-profit) get better deals on everything that costs money from utility bills to maintenance services, copier leasing to waste hauling.

Cooperate Western North Carolina

Cooperate WNC grows collective power and supports deep cultural healing through convening a regional mutual aid and cooperative economic network in 22 counties of western NC.

Cooperation Buffalo

Our mission is to mobilize workers to achieve economic security through cooperative business ownership in order to generate wealth and power in communities most affected by inequality.

Cooperation Jackson

Cooperation Jackson is an emerging vehicle for sustainable community development, economic democracy, and community ownership. Our long term vision is to develop a cooperative network based in Jackson, Mississippi.

Cooperation Milwaukee

Cooperation Milwaukee is an egalitarian community-based collective committed to education, resources and organizing of cooperative economic enterprises, mutual aid and community assemblies in the greater Milwaukee area. Cooperation Milwaukee is directly democratically controlled and is organized to fulfill this mission.

Cooperation New Orleans

Cooperation New Orleans’ mission is to develop worker-owned cooperatives and the structures to support them, with a focus on poor and working class Black, indigenous, and immigrant communities.

Cooperation Richmond

Cooperation Richmond builds community controlled wealth through worker-owned and community-owned cooperative businesses and enterprises by and for low-income communities and communities of color in Richmond whose wealth has been extracted.


"CooperationWorks! strengthens America’s cooperative movement by building and empowering a network of skilled cooperative development practitioners. They envision a world where thriving, cooperatively-owned enterprises are the bridge to a just, resilient democracy."

Cooperative Catalyst of New Mexico

Our Mission is to improve the lives of people in the Southwest by catalyzing community-led enterprise, upholding cooperative values, and fostering a healthy cooperative ecosystem.

Cooperative Development Institute

Cooperative Development Institute (CDI)'s mission is to work with people in the Northeast to create cooperative businesses and networks that grow a prosperous, equitable economy.

Cooperative Development Program of the Center for Family Life

The Cooperative Development Program's mission is to support community residents’ efforts to organize cooperative businesses and establish a platform for achieving economic goals.

Cooperative Economics Alliance of New York City

The Cooperative Economics Alliance of New York City (CEANYC) strengthens and expands community-led, democratically-controlled initiatives — from worker, financial and consumer co-ops to community land trusts and gardens, mutual housing, and low-income housing co-ops.

Cooperative Federal

Our mission is to build the local economy in ways that foster justice, serve people and communities that are underserved by mainstream financial institutions, and responsibly manage our members’ assets provides digital tools and strategic support to people who want to build better workplaces.

Croatan Institute

Croatan Institute is an independent institute for advanced social and environmental research and engagement. With initial funding from foundations, sustainable investment groups, civil society, and community development organizations, the Institute’s activities address some of the most complex sustainability challenges of our time, often in close partnership with practitioners in the field and movements for social and environmental change.

Crop Swap LA

Growing Communities, Inc dba Crop Swap LA is a fully independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to grow high quality, nutrient-rich food in underutilized urban spaces, creating green jobs, preserving water, and uniting the community.


CURE’s mission is to protect and restore resilient rural landscapes by harnessing the power of citizens who care about them.

Democracy At Work Institute

The Democracy At Work Insitute is dedicated to building the field of worker cooperative development. Through research, education and relationship-building, it meets the need for coordination of existing resources, development of standards and leaders, critical discussion of models and best practices, and advocacy for worker cooperatives as a community economic development strategy.

Democracy Collaborative

The mission of The Democracy Collaborative is to help catalyze a moral and political transformation of the US political economy into a next system that is inclusive, just, and ecologically sustainable—in contrast to today’s amoral economy of financial extraction.


Demos is a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy. 

Detroit Community Wealth Fund

Detroit Community Wealth Fund exists to empower innovative historically-marginalized Detroiters. We blend education and programming about cooperatives with non-extractive loans to support democratic and community-based businesses in Detroit.

Economic Justice League

Working toward eliminating wealth gaps, the Economic Justice League (EJL) is a project-based research, facilitation and design collective – investigating and incubating interventions that enable sustainable community wealth building within low-moderate income (LMI), BIPOC and hyper-local communities.

Endstate ATL

Endstate ATL is an organizing body dedicated to building alternative solutions to liberate Black people in Atlanta from State violence and dependency through an abolitionist, Black queer feminist lens. We are committed to achieving this through: mutual aid, direct action organizing, political education, and transformative leadership development.

Fertile Ground Food Cooperative

The MISSION of the Fertile Ground Food Cooperative is to establish a grocery store and community gathering space that increases access to healthy/affordable food, that is owned by community resident consumers, producers and workers and that serves as a community gathering place in Southeast Raleigh. Fertile Ground values the well-being of the community and the planet as much as it values profit; therefore; Fertile Ground is committed to a bottom line that recognizes the importance of people, our planet, our purpose, along with profit.

Food for the Spirit

Food for the Spirit uses the arts and creative facilitation to support racial healing, ecological justice, and equitable food systems. We do this by: encouraging dialogue around issues of race and racism in the food system; facilitating the development of place-based networks, collective advocacy, and collaboration; and supporting community storytelling, shifting narratives and public understanding.

Foundation for Intentional Community

Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Fresh Future Farm

Fresh Future Farm builds self-determinism through grassroots food activism. We're on a mission to grow the quality of life that our neighbors deserve.

Grassroots Economic Organizing Collective

Our mission is to Chronicle, Connect, Convene, and Catalyze activities regarding movements that promote workplace democracy and democratic coordination of the larger economy. Our processes are consistent with our goals. We pursue these values in a democratic fashion, prioritizing the voices of practitioners. We achieve this by maintaining an evolving online library of the worker cooperative and solidarity economy movements and their recent history, producing an online newsletter (and sometimes print media), and convening conferences.

Green America

Green America is a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 1982. Our mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society.

Highlander Research and Education Center

Highlander serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the U.S. South. Through popular education, participatory research, and cultural work, we help to create spaces at Highlander and in local communities where people gain knowledge, hope and courage, expanding their ideas of what is possible.

hOurworld cooperative

We provide social architecture, training and free software to time banks worldwide. Our mission statement is "Peace, Abundance and Sharing through Equality in Exchange."

Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks (HUMANs)

Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks (HUMANs) is a global umbrella cooperative offering tools, experiences, and material support to members of sister mutual aid projects.

Inclusive Louisiana

Dedicated to protecting the residents of St. James Parish and neighboring parishes from environmental harm caused by industrial pollution.

Institute for Local Self Reliance

The Institute’s mission is to provide innovative strategies, working models and timely information to support environmentally sound and equitable community development. To this end, ILSR works with citizens, activists, policymakers and entrepreneurs to design systems, policies and enterprises that meet local or regional needs; to maximize human, material, natural and financial resources; and to ensure that the benefits of these systems and resources accrue to all local citizens.

James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership

The mission of the Boggs Center is to nurture the transformational leadership capacities of individuals and organizations committed to creating productive, sustainable, ecologically responsible, and just communities.

Jobs With Justice

Jobs With Justice believes that all workers should have collective bargaining rights, employment security and a decent standard of living within an economy that works for everyone.

Justice Funders

Justice Funders is a partner and guide for philanthropy in reimagining practices that advance a thriving and just world. We envision a world that honors the sacredness of our natural resources and recognizes the inalienable rights of all. We assert that philanthropy must take an active role in building this world by redistributing wealth, democratizing power and shifting economic control to communities.

Kensington Corridor Trust

We utilize collective ownership to direct investments on the corridor that preserve culture and affordability while building neighborhood power and wealth in Kensington, Philadelphia.

L.A. Co-op Lab

LA Co-op Lab works to increase democratic economic power among low-income individuals and communities of color in the Los Angeles area by offering education, technical assistance, and non-extractive loans to advance worker ownership.

Labor Network for Sustainability

The Labor Network for Sustainability believes that workers and environmentalists must be engaged together in order for our society to address the dual deepening crises of both climate and income inequality.

Land Justice Futures

Land Justice Futures emerged as an answer to a need: We noticed that many communities were struggling alone, holding weighty discernments about the lands they’ve loved for generations.

Little Village Environmental Justice Organization

The mission of LVEJO is to organize with our community to accomplish environmental justice in Little Village and achieve the self-determination of immigrant, low-income, and working-class families.

Local Clean Energy Alliance

The Local Clean Energy Alliance works to promote the equitable development and democratization of local renewable energy resources as key to addressing climate change and building sustainable and resilient communities.

Local Futures

Local Futures is dedicated to the revitalization of cultural and biological diversity, and the strengthening of local communities and economies worldwide. Our emphasis is on education for action: moving beyond single issues to look at the more fundamental influences that shape our lives.

Madison Workers Cooperative (MadWorC)

MadWorC is a membership organization of worker-owned and operated cooperatives and their supporters. Our mission is to support and build the solidarity economy in the Madison area by promoting worker ownership and democratically controlled workplaces. We provide cooperative education, development support, peer networking, and technical assistance towards growing an ecosystem of worker-owned cooperatives, which can mutually support each other while building racial, gender, and economic justice in our communities.

Massachusetts Solidarity Economy Network

To advance our vision for a more just, democratic and sustainable economy, the mission and purpose of the Massachusetts Solidarity Economy Network is to expand and deepen the solidarity economy movement on relational, cultural and structural levels across the Commonwealth.

Maternal Health Equity Collaborative

We aim to make birth safer for Black and Brown families in Central Texas by building community and using our collective power to create lasting change rooted in birth justice and equity. We are re-envisioning what community care looks like to eliminate racial inequities in maternal health outcomes.

Mountain Association for Community Economic Development

The Mountain Association invests in people and places in Eastern Kentucky to advance a just transition to a new economy that is more diverse, sustainable, equitable and resilient.

Movement Generation: Justice and Ecology Project

Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project inspires and engages in transformative action towards the liberation and restoration of land, labor, and culture. MG is rooted in vibrant social movements led by low-income communities and communities of color committed to a Just Transition away from profit and pollution and towards healthy, resilient and life-affirming local economies.

New Economy Project

New Economy Project’s mission is to build a new economy that works for all, based on principles of cooperation, democracy, equity, racial justice, and ecological sustainability.

New England Grassroots Environment Fund

New England Grassroots Environment Fund works to energize and nurture long-term civic engagement in local initiatives that create and maintain healthy, just, safe and environmentally sustainable communities.

North American Marine Alliance

The North American Marine Alliance’s mission is to enhance and maintain healthy marine ecosystems by organizing a decentralized network of community-based fishermen, fishworkers and allies.

North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO)

The North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) Family of associations organizes and educates affordable group equity co-ops and their members for the purpose of promoting a community oriented cooperative movement.

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group is the Northeast Region's Food and Farm Network.

NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives (NYC NOWC)

The New York City Network of Worker Cooperatives (NYC NOWC) is the trade association for worker cooperative businesses in the NYC metropolitan region.


OurSpace supports the work of Black cooperators and educates+trains those of the Black Diaspora in the skills of growing food, basic ecological building and community organizing.

Palante Technology Cooperative

​Palante Technology is a worker cooperative that provides tech consulting services to progressive nonprofit, social justice, activist and community organizations.

Parable of the Sower Co-op

"Parable of the Sower Intentional Community worker-owned cooperative is for black women with children. This is a pilot that will support the next intentional communities that we will build for black women, women of color, and eventually others."

Participatory Budgeting Project

Participatory Budgeting Project works to empower people to decide together how to spend public money.

Partners for Dignity and Rights

In partnership with communities, Partners for Dignity & Rights works to build a broad movement for economic and social rights, including health, housing, education and work with dignity.

Partnership for Southern Equity

The Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE) advances policies and institutional actions that promote racial equity and shared prosperity for all in the growth of metropolitan Atlanta and the American South.

Peace Development Fund

The Peace Development Fund is a public foundation providing grants and other resources to communities and organizations with which we share a common vision for change.

Pecan Milk Cooperative

Pecan Milk Cooperative is a worker-owned cooperative providing dignified work for LGBTQIA, BIPOC, women, people with disabilities, and other marginalized communities in a broadly defined South.


PeoplesHub is an online movement school connecting and supporting groups and individuals across geographies in order to build more powerful, thriving, and transformative movements. PeoplesHub is founded on the belief that, when people at the grassroots find their power, we can change our world. By offering live interactive trainings online, PeoplesHub aims to reduce the cost of high-quality trainings, and make skills and support more accessible to community groups.

Petty Propolis

Petty Propolis is a Black women-led artist incubator, primarily focused on cultivating visionary resistance through poetry, literacy and literary workshops, anti-racism facilitation, and social justice initiatives. Our work advances visionary resistance towards a more livable, humane society, through organizing, art and education.

Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance (PACA)

PACA's mission is to improve the lives of people in the Philadelphia region by supporting democratically organized businesses, promoting the principles of the international cooperative movement, and growing the cooperative economy.

Platform Cooperativism Consortium

The Platform Cooperativism Consortium (PCC) is a hub for research, community building, and advocacy for co-ops that make the digital transition.


PolicyLink is a national research and action institute advancing economic and social equity by Lifting Up What Works.

Post Growth Institute

Post Growth Insititute is an international group exploring and inspiring paths to global prosperity that don’t rely on economic growth.

Power Shift Network

Through the collective power of young people and the Millennial Generation, the Power Shift Network is working for a safe climate and just future where communities are thriving and own their power, whether that power is electrical, economic, social, or political.

Race Forward

Founded in 1981, Race Forward brings systemic analysis and an innovative approach to complex race issues to help people take effective action toward racial equity. Founded in 2002, CSI catalyzes community, government, and other institutions to dismantle structural racial inequity and create equitable outcomes for all. In 2017, Race Forward united with Center for Social Inclusion (an original NEC member organization) to become the new Race Forward.

Reap Goodness

"Reap Goodness is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit developing training in worker-owned cooperatives to solve global climate change. Coordinated trios of cooperatives work to capture and store rain, build food forests and clean polluted waters for people and animals."

Repaired Nations

We are a pan-African network of support and resources that catalyzes the growth of cooperative ventures for a thriving and resilient future. We are living potentiality: embodying an infinite sense of possibility. We provide the network, training, funding, and supportive-infrastructure to cultivate a successful pan-african cooperative ecosystem.


Research|Action Cooperative is a collective of researchers and campaigners serving the solidarity economy and labor movement.

Resource Generation

Resource Generation organizes young people with wealth and class privilege in the U.S. to become transformative leaders working towards the equitable distribution of wealth, land and power.

Round Sky Solutions

Round Sky empowers collaborative leaders and visionaries dedicated to world-changing results through Coaching, Courses, and Organizational Trainings with Collab™, our practical and holistic toolkit for democratic decision-making, communication, and leadership practices.

Sankofa Village Arkansas

Sankofa Village Arkansas transforms multigenerational community wellness through land stewardship & education. We center Black healing, liberation & regeneration in our work toward housing affordability, wealth-building, and climate resiliency.

Schumacher Center for a New Economics

Founded in 1980 the Schumacher Center for a New Economics works to envision the elements of a just and sustainable global economy; undertakes to apply these elements in its home region of the Berkshires in western Massachusetts; and then develops the educational programs to share the results more broadly, thus encouraging replication.

Seed Commons: A Community Wealth Cooperative

Seed Commons is a national network of locally-rooted, non-extractive loan funds that brings the power of big finance under community control. By taking guidance from the grassroots and sharing capital and resources to support local cooperative businesses, we are building the infrastructure necessary for a truly just, democratic and sustainable new economy.

Self-Help Credit Union

Self-Help is a leading community development financial institution (CDFIs) with a mission of creating and protecting economic opportunity for all, with a particular emphasis on people of color, women, and residents of low-wealth and rural areas.


"Shareable is an award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit news, action network, and consultancy for the sharing transformation –– a movement of movements emerging from the grassroots up to solve today’s biggest challenges, which outdated institutions are failing to address."

Sociocracy for All

Sol Collective

Sol Collective is a community-based 501(c)(3) partnership whose mission is to provide artistic, cultural, and educational programming, promote social justice, and empower youth through art, activism, music, and media experience.

Sol Underground

Sol Underground is an abolitionist ecosystem in Atlanta that dreams of a Black and Indigenous liberated world. We carry out this dream by connecting with community, building, joining, and maintaining networks of care, and resisting capital and colonial systems that seek to oppress.

Solar Commons

Solar Commons is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that stewards the development of community trust ownership for solar energy.

Solidarity Economy St. Louis

Solidarity Economy St. Louis is a network of social justice organizations, small businesses, and individuals striving to build and grow a solidarity economy: that is, an economy that embodies the values of social justice, ecological sustainability, mutualism, cooperation, democracy, and innovation while resisting the notion of every person for themselves.

Solidarity Research Center

Solidarity Research Center is a worker-owned collective of researchers, storytellers and creators, whose mission is to generate intelligence to oppose systems that don't sustain working people and the planet and help to build systems that do.


SolidarityNYC is a collective of organizers and academics who promote, connect, and support New York City’s solidarity economy.


Soulardarity is building energy democracy in Highland Park, MI and its neighboring communities through organizing, education, and developing community-owned clean energy.

Southern Sector Rising

Southern Sector Rising (SSR) fights environmental, economic and racial inequities in Dallas through education, coalition and power building, policy advocacy, and mutual aid. We envision a Dallas where Black, Latina/o/x, and Indigenous residents have access to a full range of social and economic opportunities to determine their futures and thrive.

Springboard for the Arts

Springboard for the Arts is an economic and community development organization for artists and by artists.


Our mission is to cultivate the next generation of transformative cooperative businesses at scale. Our vision is that cooperative businesses thrive and lead by example across all sectors of the US economy, transforming what it means to be a worker and a consumer, redefining who is rewarded for the value they create in our economy, and reducing the racial wealth gap.

Stellar Roots

Stellar Roots is a collective of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people rooted in healing and in service of the land and land based community living in rural central Virginia.

Struggle for Miami's Affordable and Sustainable Housing

SMASH is a 501(c)3 non-profit worker-led cooperative Community Land Trust organization. SMASH’s Mission is the creation of a Community Land Trust that will adequately address the needs of inner-city Miami residents affected by the symptoms of gentrification (slumlords, rising rents, lack of community control), and that is shaped, developed and implemented by those same residents.

Sustainable Economies Law Center

SELC cultivates a new legal landscape that supports community resilience and grassroots economic empowerment.


We exist to create a lifestyle of self-worth, self-love, and self-care through the understanding of one’s culture and history. Symbodied accomplishes this by providing support and various resources that empower our community, create sustainable income and ensure your future.

The East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative

The East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative (EB PREC) facilitates Black, Indigenous, POC (BIPOC) and allied communities to cooperatively organize, finance, purchase, occupy, and steward properties, taking them permanently off the speculative market, creating community controlled assets, and empowering our communities to cooperatively lead neighborhood and economic transformation on their own terms.

The Energy Justice Law and Policy Center

The Energy Justice Law and Policy Center is an energy law and policy think tank and justice center. We provide frontline communities with energy policy support to participate in a just transition. The mission of EJLPC is to achieve a community informed and frontline-led clean just transition through BIPOC leadership through multi-racial and intergenerational organizing and policy advocacy.

The Guild

We build community wealth and power through cooperative real estate, entrepreneurship programs, and access to capital for marginalized communities.

The Kola Nut Collaborative

To promote and sustain a robust timebanking infrastructure which supports non-monetary transactions amongst individuals and organizations allowing a greater sum of the realized value of work to be retained and shared within local communities.

The Laura Flanders Show

The Laura Flanders Show is a weekly TV and radio program featuring interviews with forward- looking people from the worlds of politics arts and entrepreneurship, and special reports on individuals and groups that are working to shrink inequality and alienation, shift power and build new models of development and caring.

The Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA)

The Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA) is a worker-owned cooperative whose mission is to make people’s lives more just and democratic through the use of participatory education. 

The Working World

The Working World (TWW) creates deep economic development through innovative financing and support to worker-owned businesses that build income and assets in under-resourced communities.

Transform Finance

Transform Finance works with investors and communities to ensure that capital aligns with a social justice agenda to support vulnerable groups.

Transition US

Transition US (TUS) is a national hub organization for the international Transition Towns movement.

U.S. Department of Arts and Culture

The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture is national action network of artists and cultural workers mobilizing creativity in the service of social justice.

U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives

The mission of the USFWC is to create a thriving cooperative movement through the development of stable and empowering jobs and worker-ownership.

U.S. Solidarity Economy Network

The US Solidarity Economy Network connects a diverse array of individuals, organizations, businesses and projects in the shared work of building and strengthening regional, national and international movements for a solidarity economy.

Ujimaa Medics

UMedics is a Black health collective. We spread emergency first response, community care, and survival skills to access health justice and long-term wellness for all Black lives.

United for a Fair Economy

Using popular education, trainings, and creative communications, United for a Fair Economy supports social movements working for a resilient, sustainable, and equitable economy.


Upstream is a radio documentary and workshop series that invites you to unlearn everything you thought you knew about economics.

Virginia Solidarity Economy Network

The VA Solidarity Economy Network supports, educates, and connects people striving to build a more resilient and equitable economy based on shared values.

We Are The Ones

We work to develop repeatable and scalable instances of community resilience through community wealth building in Black communities and develop a solidarity economy that relies on dynamics of reciprocity and solidarity linking individual interest to collective interest.

We Own It

We Own It is involved in catalyzing citizen action for democracy, participation, and excellence in cooperatives, through member education and organizing.


We activate community power to redesign education, economic, health, and justice systems to be just and equitable for all.

Wiyot Tribe Dishgamu Humboldt Community Land Trust

As the Community Land Trust of the Wiyot Tribe, Dishgamu Humboldt is designed to facilitate the return of Wiyot ancestral lands to Wiyot stewardship, putting land in trust for the purposes of affordable housing creation, workforce development, and environmental and cultural restoration.

Womxnist Liberation Collaborative

Womxnist Liberation Collaborative (WLC) is a Black-owned nationwide, worker and producer co-op, offering equity-based cultural and community rooted solutions. We will generate a sustainable living wage for our members through owning our Means of Production, leveraged into ethical exchanges in alignment with Social and Solidarity Economy values and practices.

Worcester Roots Project

Worcester Roots Project is a collective of youth and adult organizers on a mission to create opportunities for economic, social and environmental justice.

Worcester Youth Cooperatives

Our mission is to support the power of youth to organize cooperative solutions to social issues they care about.

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