News & Resources

Is System Change Possible? Long-Term Strategies

Jul 1, 2016 | Resources

The new economy is rich in experiments and examples, but can these various efforts actually build up to challenge, displace, and ultimately replace our current economic system? Three panelists explore ambitious yet pragmatic strategies over the long term for our organizing, activism, and institutional development. Clear, articulated theories of change can better guide the movement to boldly transform corporate capitalism and create a just and sustainable future.

Keane Bhatt (The Democracy Collaborative – Next System Project)
Gar Alperovitz (The Next System Project)
Esteban Kelly (US Federation of Worker Cooperatives)
Julie Matthaei (Wellesley College)

Filmed at CommonBound 2016 in Buffalo, NY. Videography by the Extraenvironmentalists ( )



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